Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Doing what's BEST for "US"

Well as many of you know, we 'were' planning on heading up to Edmonton this summer because Max was working with Vivint. However, we have decide that it will be better for us as a family to stick around Lethbridge. This news will unfortunate be sad for our family members up in the City of Champions, we along with them were looking forward to seeing each other for most of the summer months. As sad as we are that we will not be spending the time with our family in Edmonton that we have thought, we feel that sticking around here in Lethbridge and Max finding a summer job here will be the best thing for our little family.
To our family members in the capital, we are sorry that we will not be see you as much as we would have like this summer, but we hope that we will still get a chance to see you soon.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Tuesday!!

TODAY is just another ordinary day.......except for the 3 inches of snow that we woke up to. We were in heaven. We went and played and shoveled and played some more!!! Benson loves shoveling!

OK, so maybe it is Valentines Day......but I heard on the radio yesterday this conversation...

What are you doing for "V" Day?
Nothing BECAUSE we shouldn't be told on a certain day to say "I Love You" or Show some one you love them. That should happen EVERYDAY.

I was very impressed. That is how we feel here in our house!

So when Max and Benson woke up I got a "Happy Tuesday Kiss!!"

AND to all of you we say "Happy Tuesday!"